Terms and Conditions

Welcome to misterhookah.co the virtual store, established under Colombian laws, whose main activity is to allow the exhibition and commercialization of products and services for online acquisition by consumers located in the Republic of Colombia, hereinafter "The Clients" or "The users".

Those Users who decide to access misterhookah.co from other countries will do so on their own initiative and it is their responsibility to comply with applicable local laws.

Any claim in relation to the use of the Site and the material contained therein is regulated by Colombian laws.

Users who enter the misterhookah.co site from countries other than the Republic of Colombia may make purchases subject to Colombian regulations.

By entering misterhookah.co the User acknowledges having read and understood the Terms and Conditions of Use, hereinafter “Terms and Conditions” and, consequently, assume the obligation to respect its content, privacy policy, legal notices and all clauses of disclaimer contained therein.

These Terms and Conditions are subject to change without prior notice at any time and, from the date of modification of these Terms and Conditions, all operations carried out between misterhookah.co and the User will be governed by the modified document.

1. User Registration on the Site

In the registration process at misterhookah.co the following information will be collected:

Contact information, including name, identification number, date of birth, address, telephone number and email. At the time of payment, the credit card number and billing and/or shipping information may be requested; identification number of the recipient, if it is a person other than the User; information related to personal interests and product preferences, among others. On the other hand, the User can find the information regarding Habeas Data in point 16.

2. User Capacity

The services of misterhookah.co are available only to those people who have the legal capacity to contract as provided by current Colombian legislation.

If the User lacks said legal capacity, they will not be able to carry out transactions on misterhookah.co

3. User Verification – Impediment of Use

By entering misterhookah.co the User acquires the commitment to provide correct and true information for the effective delivery of the purchased products.

misterhookah.co will examine the request submitted by the User and will reserve the right to verify the data communicated by each of the Users. If an inconsistency is found in the User's information at the time of registration or if any change is not notified, misterhookah.co may proceed with the cancellation of the order and the immediate termination of the User's account in question.

If the User has any outstanding amount, it must be paid in full before proceeding with closing the account.

4. User Responsibility

The User is prohibited from transmitting or sending from misterhookah.co any illegal, threatening, slanderous, defamatory, obscene, scandalous, pornographic and/or any other material that could give rise to any civil or criminal liability under the terms of the Law. Likewise, the User agrees not to use any device, software, among others, to obstruct the correct functioning of the Site and its contents and the activities carried out therein.

5. Products

misterhookah.co offers its Users, mainly, hookahs, essences, charcoals, accessories, among others.

5.1. Product Display

misterhookah.co displays product images as clearly and accurately as possible. However, the display of the color of the products will depend on the device from which misterhookah.co is accessed.

5.2. Product Availability

misterhookah.co is responsible for updating the page and constantly reviewing the products displayed on the Site. However, misterhookah.co may modify and discontinue the products at any time, without incurring any liability to the Users of the Site.

5.3. Quantity limitation or order restriction

misterhookah.co may, in its sole discretion, limit or cancel quantities purchased by Customer. Likewise, misterhookah.co reserves the right to reject any order that the Client places. Such restrictions may include orders placed from the same account registered on the Site, payments made with the same credit and/or debit card, and orders with the same shipping or billing address.

6. Perfection and Transfer of Property

The perfection of the Contract occurs when misterhookah.co accepts the purchase offer presented by the Client. misterhookah.co may partially accept purchase offers, in which case the contract will be perfected only for the products accepted by the Site.

In cash on delivery events, ownership of the products will be transferred to the customer from the moment they are canceled by the customer at the place of delivery. In the event that the price of the products that are the subject of a purchase offer is not paid, it will be understood that there is a breach of the Contract, which is grounds for terminating it by misterhookah.co, with the Client assuming the value of the return of said products to the respective deposit, as well as the amount of damages derived from said non-compliance.

7. Payment terms

The price to be paid for each item purchased will be the price in effect on misterhookah.co at the time the order is placed. Before acceptance by misterhookah.co of any purchase offer, the Client must choose the terms and conditions of payment according to the payment methods established on the Site.

misterhookah.co makes available to Users a secure connection system to carry out transactions carried out on misterhookah.co. However, in no case will it be responsible for failures that occur in communications from banking or credit entities, nor for damages caused to the Client due to an action or omission on the part of said entities.

The minimum purchase at misterhookah.co to fulfill the order is $20,000. Once misterhookah.co verifies the payment, you can proceed to accept the purchase offer. In any case, despite payment having been verified, misterhookah.co may deny acceptance of a purchase offer or accept it partially, in which case it will only be obliged to return to the Client, without any interest or return, the value paid for the unaccepted purchase offer or the percentage corresponding to the non-approved part of a partially accepted purchase offer.

8. Payment information

Among the alternatives contemplated in misterhookah.co for the payment of the selected products, a link is made available to Users that communicates with the respective payment gateways authorized by misterhookah.co. In such events, the management of the information personnel will be the exclusive responsibility of the payment gateway. Users must accept the Terms and Conditions of Use of the payment gateway before carrying out their transactions.

9. Shipping charges and taxes

The Customer will be responsible for the shipping, handling and insurance charges for the products purchased from misterhookah.co, as well as the sales tax, value added taxes and other levies that may be incurred for each accepted purchase offer. All taxes caused by the purchase will be settled from the moment the Client makes their purchase offer on misterhookah.co, and therefore they will be able to know the exact amount that must be paid in favor of misterhookah.co, which will include all the concepts mentioned.

10. Delivery of products

Policy valid for order deliveries Virtual Store

misterhookah.co undertakes to make deliveries only within Colombian territory, in the areas and places to which it has access according to its network and, consequently, may refuse to accept a purchase offer when the address registered by the Customer to make the delivery is not within the geographical areas enabled by misterhookah.co for this purpose.

For municipalities far from the main city, delivery time is 1 to 8 business days.

It is understood that any person who is at the address where the delivery must be made will be duly authorized by the Client to receive their order. Consequently, misterhookah.co is exonerated from any responsibility for the delivery made, as long as it is made to the address registered at misterhookah.co.

If no one receives the order at the indicated address, misterhookah.co will return the products to the respective warehouse and the Client will be obliged to contact misterhookah.co within a maximum of five (5) business days so that we can proceed. to its reshipment, in which case the expenses generated by the same will be borne by the client and, until they are cancelled, misterhookah.co will not be obliged to make the shipment again.

If the order is not received at the indicated address after 2 (two) visits, misterhookah.co will proceed with the return of the products. In this case, the Client will be obliged to contact misterhookah.co within a maximum period of three (3) calendar days to proceed with its reshipment, in which case the shipping and insurance costs generated will be borne by the Customer. Client and, until they are paid, misterhookah.co will not be obliged to make the shipment again.

If the Client does not proceed to request the reshipment within the indicated period or does not make the payment of the additional value for the reshipment, misterhookah.co may withdraw from the business and will only be obliged to return the amount paid for the products, discounting the value of the expenses incurred for transportation.

The client may not demand that its delivery be made by a specific company.

11. Returns and Exchanges

In accordance with the provisions of the Colombian Consumer Statute, misterhookah.co will proceed to accept repairs and returns of purchased products that are defective and/or whose quality deficiency is not suitable for the use for which it is intended, in accordance with the parameters of the guarantees granted by the respective manufacturer. misterhookah.co will have up to 30 business days to make changes and/or returns, which will be counted from the moment the Customer submits their claim. In the previous events, shipping costs will be assumed by misterhookah.co.

11.1. Change policies

To make any changes, the customer must contact misterhookah.co.

To make a return, the following conditions must be met: Changes maximum 24 hours after receiving the product. The products must retain their original characteristics. For all changes, the invoice must be presented. The domiciliary must wait for the customer to verify the products. Sealed products after opening have no exchange. The domiciliary must have the order signed.

For products that do not have a warranty, misterhookah.co may, at its discretion, proceed with their exchange or accept their return.

misterhookah.co will only be obliged to accept changes or returns of products without warranty, when at the time of delivery of the respective product it is determined that it does not correspond to the characteristics with which it is displayed on misterhookah.co, or that it is find in poor condition.

Whenever the request for an exchange or return is submitted for reasons not attributable to misterhookah.co, the credit that will be granted for the respective exchange or return will amount to the net value, not including the value of transportation, insurance and taxes generated, the which must be assumed by the Client.

In the event of a change or return of the order by misterhookah.co, the Customer will be notified initially by email; if there is no response within five (5) business days, the contact telephone number will be notified. indicated at the time of registration.

12. Right of withdrawal

In accordance with the Consumer Statute, the Client may exercise the right of withdrawal of the purchased product within (5) five business days after receiving the good, as long as its nature and the condition of the good and its packaging allow it. same in which you received it. Reversals will be made for the value of the product paid by the Client in the respective transaction. In no case will misterhookah.co make partial reversals of the value of a product.

In the case of a delivery that incurs transportation costs, these costs must be assumed by the customer and which will be debited from the value of the return.

13. Exemption and Guarantees

In accordance with the regulations in force in the Republic of Colombia, the material contained in misterhookah.co, including, without limitation, texts, graphics, links, are provided on an "as is" basis, without any warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of fitness for a particular purpose that do not contravene or violate the rights of third parties.

misterhookah.co warns Users that the information on the Site may contain errors or inaccuracies, and may not be complete or updated. Therefore, misterhookah.co reserves the right to correct any error, omission or inaccuracy, change or update it at any time and without prior notice.

14. Disclaimer and limitation of liability

By entering misterhookah.co the User expressly accepts that its use is carried out under his or her exclusive responsibility and risk.

Neither misterhookah.co nor its respective employees and associated third parties warrant that use of the Site will be uninterrupted or error-free.

Under no circumstances will misterhookah.co or its affiliates be liable for any direct, indirect, unforeseen, special or consequential damages arising from, whether due to the use or inability to use the Site, including damages arising from its reliance on the information obtained on the Site that causes errors, omissions, interruptions, deletion or corruption of files, viruses, delays in operation or transmission or any other type of error in its operation.

Without prejudice to what is determined in the mandatory regulations of the applicable Colombian legislation, misterhookah.co assumes any responsibility or liability derived from any damage or loss, including but not limited to the loss of information or profits, existence of viruses, results of use or the inability to use the material on this site, lost business opportunities or any other damages, even if the User has been advised of the possibility of such damages or for any third party claims, except as expressly provided herein.

Under the terms indicated here, misterhookah.co does not assume any responsibility for the information provided on the page, including but not limited to information regarding products, notes of interest, opinions, practical advice and solutions to concerns.

misterhookah.co does not assume any responsibility for problems or for the inability to use the Site or any of the pages that comprise it, including but not limited to events such as server or connection problems, interruptions in your communication, problems technicians.

In the event that the use of the material on this site results in the need to service, repair or correct equipment or information, the User must assume any costs derived therefrom. The foregoing limitation of liability will apply in any legal action, even if the authorized representative of misterhookah.co has been informed or had prior knowledge of such damages.

15. Intellectual Property Rights

All computer, graphic, advertising, photographic, multimedia, audiovisual and/or design material, as well as all content, texts and databases, hereinafter "the Contents", made available to Users on the Site, They are the exclusive property of misterhookah.co, or of third parties who have authorized their use and/or exploitation.

Likewise, the use of some content owned by third parties is expressly authorized by Law and is protected by the rules on copyright, trademarks and by all national and international regulations that are applicable.

Any act of copying, reproduction, modification, creation of derivative works, sale or distribution, display of the Contents, in any way or by any means, including but not limited to electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or any other nature, without the prior written permission of misterhookah.co or the copyright holder.

In no case do these Terms and Conditions confer rights, licenses and/or authorizations to carry out the acts described above. Any unauthorized use of the contents will constitute a violation of these terms and conditions and the current regulations on trademarks, copyright and/or other applicable national and international intellectual property regulations and will give rise to the corresponding civil and criminal actions.

16. Protection of Personal Data

By accepting the legal Terms and Conditions, the User indicates that he knows and authorizes misterhookah.co in advance, expressly and informed, so that his personal data can be stored and used in order to achieve efficient communication during this procedure or activity and authorizes in the same terms that said information may be treated in accordance with the provisions of Law 1581 of 2011 and its Regulatory Decrees, in order to receive information about its products, services, offers, promotions, alliances, studies, contests , contents. Likewise, the User has been informed about the Policy for the Protection of Personal Data available on the Site, which includes the consultation and complaint procedures that allow the Users' rights to access, knowledge, consultation, rectification, updating and deletion of data and, likewise, the User may submit any request related to personal data.

17. Exoneration of Liability

Provided that the User has not been notified in a timely manner of the existence of the violation of his or her personal information or when the User has not proceeded to notify the corresponding financial entities or cooperatives of the loss, misuse, theft or theft of the instruments granted. by these to carry out transactions or when misuse of your registration data is made, misterhookah.co does not assume any responsibility for such actions.

18. Computer Security

18.1. cookies

Cookies are small data files that websites such as misterhookah.co misterhookah.co or emails save on your browser and, optionally, on your hard drive. Cookies allow us to “remember” information about your preferences and session and allow the User to move within areas of the Site without re-entering their data.

This makes it possible to create a more personalized and comfortable shopping experience.

misterhookah.co uses a third party to place cookies on the User's computer to collect non-personally identifiable information. Although cookies contain a unique User number, they do not collect or store any personally identifiable information.

Although the User can configure their Internet browser so that cookies are not accepted, these are necessary to be able to view, create an account or make purchases through the misterhookah.co website.

The Internet search engine automatically collects information from the web page that the User consulted before visiting the Site, the browser they used and any search terms they entered on the Site, among other things.

The Site may also use other technologies to track the pages you visit, to ensure a better and safer shopping experience and to help us understand how visitors use the Site.

18.2. Linking, Deeplinking and Framing

misterhookah.co prohibits the use of the names and/or logos, brand and any other distinctive signs of its property as hypertextual links or in any other way (“links”) directed to sites on the Internet whose URL is different from misterhookah.co, unless the establishment of such a link is approved by misterhookah.co in writing, in which case it must comply with the design and advertising criteria and manuals established by misterhookah.co.

19. Applicable law and jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions will be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Colombia. Any controversy arising from this document will be submitted to the applicable laws and to the competent judges in accordance with Colombian legislation.

20. Independence of provisions

In the event that one or more of the provisions contained in these Terms and Conditions are considered void, illegal or ineffective in any respect, the validity, legality and enforceability or effectiveness of the rest of the provisions of this document will not be affected or nullified. for this circumstance.

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